Dress code
The student dress code at Narangba State School supports the objectives of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 and promotes the values of the school.
Getting Along
Students wearing the Narangba State School uniform are actively supporting the values of our school and our community. Wearing our uniform builds school spirit and promotes a positive image of our school as a part of our local community. We hope that by wearing our uniform our students promote belonging and fairness and avoid the discrimination sometimes borne out of student attire.
Our dress code promotes the safety of all students by meeting Sun Safety and Workplace Health and Safety requirements.
School uniform colours are green and gold. The school uniform comprises a range of garments - all designed to give wearers and their parents the opportunity to mix and match as desired. Samples of the school uniform can be found in the uniform shop. Monday is formal uniform day.
Formal uniform
Check bottle green cotton shirt
Bottle green long leg shorts
Dropped waist bottle green check cotton dress
Enclosed black sports/dress shoes with fold down white ankle socks
Band, Choir and Excursions
The formal uniform is required for choir and
band performances and is preferred for excursions.
Summer Uniform
School polo - green and gold polo style shirt with school emblem
Bottle green sports shorts
Bottle green skort
Enclosed black sports/dress shoes with fold down white ankle socks
A Sunsafe hat is either a broad brimmed hat or a legionnaires cap and is essential for all students. Students in years 1 to 6 wear a bottle green Sunsafe hat and prep year students wear a gold Sunsafe hat.
Formal uniform is required for choir, band and preferred excursion attire.
Additional uniform items
House specific sports polo-shirt (blue, green red) with school emblem(not to be worn on formal uniform Mondays).
Bottle green pullover (purchased commercially).
Bottle green and gold zip up taslon jacket.
Bottle green trackpants.
Bottle green dance pants and tights.
Winter items are available by order only early in the school year from the uniform shop.
Senior Shirts
Year 6 students may purchase senior shirts for everyday wear along with school shorts or skorts. These are not to be worn on Monday (formal uniform day) or for official functions or excursions.
Music Shirts
Music and choir students may purchase music shirts for everyday wear along with school shorts or skorts. These are not to be worn on Monday (formal uniform day) or for official functions or excursions.
For safety reasons, the following list constitutes the only permissible jewellery to be worn at school:
Hair and other
Neat, traditional and contemporary hair cuts are acceptable. Extreme styles are not appropriate for school, for example, dread locks, mohawks etc. Hair ties should be in school colours.
Nail polish, hair colours and make-up are not acceptable at school.
Uniform shop
The uniform shop is situated in the amenities block.
Information about placing orders will appear in the newsletter.
Monday: 8:00 am to 10:30 am
Wednesday: 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm