Getting to and from our school
For students attending Narangba State School, there are a variety of ways to get to and from school. The two main roads that lead to our pick up areas are no through roads or 'dead ends'. As a result, there is heavy congestion most mornings and afternoons.
We encourage families to leave the car at home or use our Walk to School fridge magnets to beat the traffic.

Our Walk to School fridge magnets outline 3 meeting points where you can park a short distance away from school and either walk, cycle or scooter the rest of the way. These routes range from about 240m to 800m and only take between 5 to 15 minutes to walk so it's an easy way to improve fitness, road safety awareness and spend time together with family and friends.
Walking, cycling and scootering
When travelling to and from school it is important to cross roads and streets at the appropriate locations. It doesn’t take that much longer to walk to a pedestrian refuge or traffic lights to keep you and your children safe.
For students who scooter or cycle to school there is a bike cage which is accessible from the Knight Road entrance. Please ensure that your children wear a bicycle helmet when riding to and from school. Although the bike cage is locked between school hours we suggest your child brings a lock with them.
Kangaroo Bus Lines provides services transporting students to and from our school. Please contact them (1300 287 525) for further details.
Where to safely drop off your children?
A two-minute drop-off area is located in School Street. In order to keep this area free of congestion, particularly from 8:00 am to 9:00 am and 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm, we ask that you comply with the two-minute regulation and utilise the school and on-street car parks when additional time is required.
Some tips
In order to keep the school area free of congestion, we ask that you use the following strategies:
- Walk or ride to school whenever possible
- Park at the locations on the Walk to School fridge magnet and walk the rest of the way
- In the afternoons, aim to arrive around 3:10 pm when you can pick your children up easily and without delay.
- Carpool where possible