Learning goals
Learning goals, which are visually displayed in classrooms, provide students with a purpose for their learning. The success criteria provides an opportunity for students to understand how they are to achieve the learning goal.
Students talking about their learning goal has a direct link to the quality of learning.
Early in the school year teachers will communicate expectations, goals and assessment procedures to parents.
It is expected throughout the year that informal reporting will occur with parents and carers as the need or opportunity arises at mutually convenient times. This is to provide incidental feedback, strengthen school/community ties and to ensure parents are well informed about their child's progress.
Twice-yearly a written report is provided to parents about their child's performance using a common five-point scale.
- In prep, achievement is recorded as applying, making connections, working with, exploring and becoming aware
- In years 1 and 2, achievement is reported as very high, high, sound, developing and support required
- In years 3 to 6, achievement is reported using A to E standards
Teachers will also provide a formal interview with parents twice a year providing an opportunity to discuss academic, behavioural and social progress of their children. Future goals to further the student's learning may also be discussed at this time.